Student Accounts Office

Payment Information

Below is a listing of tuition rates and related fees.

Payment Plans
Tuition Insurance

Mason Payment Plan

Mason payment plans are available online for students who need to budget their accounts. A $30 setup fee, is required at the time of enrollment. The setup fee is nonrefundable.

Please click the following link for additional information about Payment Plans.

Pay Online

Online payments are made using [Bill+Payment for Students] or [Bill+Payment for Authorized Users]. This system allows students to manage their account activity online, view bills, make payments, and set up authorized users (parents, employers, etc). Authorized users only have account management access; academic information is not available through this system. Payment plans are also available to pay your balance in installments. Click the following link for additional information.

Payment Deadline

Payments received at the Cashier’s Office by 4:30 PM on any business day will be considered as that day’s business. Payments may be made online using [Bill+Payment for Students] or [Bill+Payment for Authorized Users] until 10:30 PM. Please see Patriot Web, to confirm receipt of payment and balance due. Payment is due the first day of the semester (see Important Dates for more information).

Methods of Payment

Delivery Methods:

    • Web: [Bill+Payment for Students] or [Bill+Payment for Authorized Users]
    • Drop Box (no cash payments):
      Room #1600 located across from the Mason Student Services Center. The drop box is located in the niche near the exit doors of the building.
    • Mail*:
      George Mason University
      P.O. Box # 716475
      Philadelphia, PA 19171-6475
    • If payment is being sent for overnight delivery by courier, please send to:
      Lockbox Services – #716475
      George Mason University

      2005 Market Street, 5th Floor
      Philadelphia, PA 19103-7042

*Please make sure that the student’s ID number (G#) is included on the check or in correspondence with the check. Allow 14 days for delivery and confirm receipt by accessing Patriot Web.

Methods of Payment:

    • Check: Web, mail, or drop box. Make payable to George Mason University, student G# written on front. Third-party checks not accepted. Must be payable in US dollars. For each check returned by the bank unpaid, a $50 return check fee will be charged.
    • Credit Card (subject to credit approval): Web only. VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card. There is a convenience fee for credit card payments. This fee is nonrefundable.
    • Money Order: Made payable to George Mason University, student G# written on the money order or in correspondence with the money order

International Students Only

George Mason has partnered with TransferMate and Flywire to streamline the tuition payment process for our international students.

TransferMate provides a seamless international payments process through your online student account. Log into your student account, select Make A Payment, choose TransferMate from the dropdown menu, and follow prompts. For more information about making international payments using TransferMate, watch this video for a quick demo, or download step-by-step instructions here.

Flywire allows students to pay from any country and any bank. They also offer excellent foreign exchange rates, allowing you to pay in your home currency (in most cases) and save a significant amount of money, compared to traditional banks. You will be able to track the progress of your payment throughout the transfer process via a student dashboard and you will also be notified via email when your payment is received by Mason. If you need to make an international payment, please visit Flywire

Tuition Insurance

We’ve partnered with GradGuard™ to make the Tuition Insurance Plan available to our families. Please visit Tuition Insurance page for more information.

Third Party Billing Authorizations

Students using a third party billing authorization will be charged a processing fee of $25 for domestic agencies and $125 for international agencies. Students may receive an individual billing statement. Students must provide the third party authorization or government training voucher to the Third Party Billing Office, Student Union Building I, Suite 1600, or fax to 703-993-2460, before the student’s individual due date, which is based on their registration date. Check Important Dates for the last day third party payment authorizations will be accepted. Students are ultimately responsible for any defaults in payments by the sponsoring agency. For more information, please navigate to Third Party Billing Office web site.

Financial Good Standing; No Holds on Record

Financial good standing and a university record clear of holds are required for students to receive services. Services, including but not limited to diploma release, class registration (add, drop, withdrawal, etc.), and/or housing and meal plans will not be provided to students with a financial balance due or a hold of any kind on their record. Holds are based on outstanding obligations and may be financial. Examples include unpaid Student Health charges, fines owed to the Mason or Washington Research Library Consortium libraries, parking and other administrative holds.

Students in noncompliance with payment deadlines as of the end of the semester will be required to submit a financial guarantee or prepayment prior to future registration. The return of the prepayment by a financial institution will result in the immediate suspension of services.


Failure to meet financial obligations to the university will result in other collection procedures, which include account referral to credit reporting bureaus, private collection agencies, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Taxation, and the Office of the Attorney General. Past due accounts are subject to garnishments, liens, and judgment and the withholding of money from tax refunds. In addition to late fees and interest, delinquent accounts will be assessed additional collection costs equal to thirty percent of the past due balance, reasonable attorney fees, and other administrative costs.

NOTE:  All payments for delinquent accounts in collections or at the Office of the Attorney General must be made to the respective agency.  Payments are not accepted through the University